
Suspension of belief

You know, when I was under the impression that people were reading this, I was scared shitless of posting "dumb" things. I spent more time editing my posts than I do editing college papers. Then today I realized that I have one comment on my blog because I wrote about politics once. Jesus! Is that all anyone in this world cares about is fuckig politics? A rich white guy won, who the fuck cares?

Okay, I care just a little, but seriously folks, I want some readers! Fans! You don't think that I have an urgent need to spill all my beans on the web to strangers, do you? I mean, maybe I do, but that's not the reason I started this. Come to think of it, I'm not sure why I started this...I'll have to get back to you on that.

Now I'm just going to write whatever the fuck I want because I don't care if you are reading it or not! And if I get stupid comments, I'll delete them and ban you from posting! Bwah ha ha haha ha!

So, in summation, don't fucking comment on the blog simply because it deals with politics! God man, get a life! Think about something else for a change, like how to get by on this Republican economy...

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