
[exclamation point]

Hmmm. I noticed something annoying about my post titles; besides not being very clever, an abnormal number of them end with an exclamation point. Why the fuck is that? Why is it sooooo imperative that I end those particularly unwitty sentance fragments with that overused punctuation mark? It really annoys me when others do it, so I'm really confused as to why I would do the same thing.

But, I've decided it's a habit that needs to be broken. From now on, if I want/need an exclamation point in my posts, especially in my titles, I'm going to use the following: [exclamation point]. That's a lot more work than putting an actual exclamation point, so hopefully I'll be able to break myself of this annoying and useless habit [exclamation point]

1 comment:

Dave Roberts said...

i seem to always end mine with ...