
Sage fucking Francis

Sage Francis is awesome. Just saw him in Fayetteville, Arkansas on November 5 and it was, as always, a beautiful experience. Sage, Sole, and the Sollioquists of Sound make a beautiful family.

That's the thing about Sage and his shows; they are so intimate. There could be hundreds of people there, but you think that Sage is only performing for you, he's that real. I don't gush about artists, and especially not about rap artists, but Sage is to hip hop what Picasso was to painting. Sage is a brilliant man, the best wordsmith I've ever heard, and has a wicked sense of humor.

Amid reservations about playing in the "buckle of the Bible belt," Sage and his crew played the best show I've managed to catch, and left everyone feeling that much more "together." The Sollioquists of Sound dedicate a song to all the 9-5 workers out there, then tell them to quit their jobs and do what they love. "You think you can't do it? You've got a whole support group here, you should help each other do what you love, do what you dream about." When they say things like that, and you're in that audience, you believe it can happen, you believe in the decency of your fellow man.

Speaking of, we were driving home on a local US highway a couple of nights ago, when we saw a girl walking on the side of the road, obviously stranded. We turned around and picked her up to discover she was walking to Rogersville (a good 10 miles from where we picked her up) after her Tracker's wheel fell off. She couldn't have been more than 16 years old, and the tiniest little thing you've ever seen; she wouldn't have lasted more than ten minutes on that highway. We were more decent human beings for a little while after that.

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