
I forgot to mention it...

...but my cat broke her leg. :-( To be more accurate, she broke her elbow. Imagine you slamming your elbow down on the table and breaking off the tip of it, and you'll understand how my cat feels. The vet set her leg with two pins and wire, gave her drugs, and said she'll have a cast on for ten weeks (that should give you an idea of the seriousness of the break). I took her in today to get the sutures out (its been 16 days), and the vet found out that the cat has somehow moved her broken leg around in the cast and has moved the bone fragment about half an inch. That's half an inch of pins and wires. So, I have to spend another huge amount of money (first operation: $500) and get her leg reset. All because the damned cat isn't smart enough to get out of the way of large moving objects, since I think our neighbors hit her with a four-wheeler. The things we do for our animals, you know? At least they aren't kids who will grow up, take your money, talk back to you, move out, then refuse to call. And if the cats do something bad, you can lock them in a room for a couple of hours and Social Services won't call you an "unfit parent." Pets are so much better than kids. Not that I would know, since I don't have any, but all the ones I know are way worse than my plethora of cats.

1 comment:

Wino McHackenpuke said...

Hmmmmm. I wonder if (Former) Captain Pepper would get a grant should she require surgery...?